Saturday, November 20, 2004

In the Beginning

Hi all. This is the first posting to my new blog. I envision it to be a place where we can share some of our nifty ideas, thoughts, experiences, knowledge, and have some fun while we're at it. There's no central theme, but we'll cover a wide range of topics: current events, art, travel, scientific developments, the software industry, world affairs, literature, anything else that comes to mind. The basic guidelines are to engage in dialog and discussion, even debate; but not to engage in personal attacks or make inflammatory remarks.

Ah, I don't see that happening anyway. Time's a wasting ... Let's get going!


At Sat Nov 20, 05:04:00 PM PST, Blogger hajush said...

Thanks for the invitation, hope I can contribute in a positive way.

Some interesting topics:

Exteme programming & Agile software depment: anyone have good experiences? I've had great success with test first programming. I've read conflicting reports about pair programming, it doesn't seem to fit well. The philosophy of agile programming seems the most interesting.

Peak Oil: This is the basic concept that the amount of oil on the planet is finite, and the reality that oil wells and deposits at some point reach a peak, and then taper off production. If you look at the earth as a big oil well, many researchers believe that earth is currently at peak production now, and that production will start falling in the face of increasing demand. It explains a lot of U.S. foreign policy.

I'll stop now...


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