Monday, November 22, 2004

Black Hole Computers

Interesting article in last month's edition of Scientific American about Black Hole Computers. I have the hard copy edition of SA, so I can read the entire article. You can read the beginning of the article online but then you have to subscribe to the Digital Edition to read it in its entirety.

According to classical Black Hole Theory (developed by Stephen Hawking and others), anything that enters a black hole is smashed to smithereens. Nothing can escape, not even light. Hawking later revised the theory to account for radiation that does escape, but according to the revision, the radiation is dispersed randomly.

The new theory states that the radiation has encoded information, which is anything but random. The capacity to store and process information, which any unit of matter is capable of, is inherent in the black hole itself. The idea is that if matter containing ordered instruction sets and data is propelled into the black hole, the intense gravitational force causing the collapse of matter will create basic particle collisions, whose scattering velocities and dispersions will result in information sequences. This information will be contained in the radiation escaping from the black hole.

There's some interesting quantum theory applied to black holes that makes the black hole computer theory plausible. The particle collisions triggered by the gravitational collapse in the black hole operate upon the input data & instruction sets described above. Particles have the ability to store bits of information with their spin state. There are two states: left-spin can store one binary bit (say a '1'), right-spin another (say a '0'). Computations occur when the particles "flip over". The resulting arrangement of these flip-overs is the solution to a given problem.

The answer then is "blowing in the wind", awaiting detection.


At Mon Nov 29, 01:27:00 PM PST, Blogger David Epstein said...

Later in the same Scientific American article, it explains how radiation seeps out of the black hole. It does this with pairs of "entangled" particles that meet at the event horizon. One of the particles escapes the black hole, the other one is drawn back in towards the singularity point.

The new information theory of black holes stresses that once the particle reaches the singularity point, it's destroyed and the event is measured. The entanglement property necessitates a communication link between the two particles. When something happens to one particle, that information is "teleported" to the other one, no matter how far apart they may be. Thus, when the particle is destroyed in the black hole, this information reaches the renegade particle.

Regarding the theory of instantaneous communication, this is highly debated. Some argue that communication doesn't really happen at all. In this vein, the particles are originally oriented towards each other and there are correlations between them. That's basically what the entanglement is. So when something happens to one, we know what happens to the other. An example that Gell Mann gives in "Quark and the Jaguar" is a shirt with two different colored buttons on it. If one blindly plucks off one of the buttons and observes what color it is, we know what color the other one is. By this model, we "observe" what happens to the destroyed particle in the singularity, we can determine what happens to the other particle.

My own view is: I'm not sure! Is it quantum observation, or communication? The "teleportation" model clearly belongs to the latter.


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